- Chinese translation in simplified / traditional characters and Chinese interpretation in
Mandarin / Cantonese;
- multilingual translation and graphic productions of publications in Chinese, Korean, Punjabi,
Japanese, Vietnamese and other languages;
- certified translation of legal, medical and other technical documents;
- certified interpretation for legal, medical or other occasions;
- simultaneous or conference interpretation at focus groups and business / academic
- facilitating reception and site‐visit of incoming Chinese delegations;
- some of the projects executed or in progress: production of British Columbia Newcomers’
Guide to Resources and Services for the Province of British Columbia in the languages of
Chinese (simplified and traditional character versions), Korean and Punjabi in 1994, 1996,
1997 1999 & 2003, simultaneous interpretation at the CISAC‐CSGAC meetings held by
University of British Columbia regarding nuclear weapons, facilitating site visits of Chinese
delegates of EPBMC Policy Learning Tour arranged by Fraser Basin Council to Vancouver and
Victoria corporations.
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